Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 22:20:36 -0800
From: Megan
Subject: Re: my party

> Jill, is it okay if I wear candles on my head, for your
> party? Any low-hanging shrubbery i need to be careful
> of? And where (plan B) did you find the battery pack
> for xmas lites (so I can work this out and not start any
> fires)?
> Laura

Laura i once went to a party with a woman who wore candles on her head and albeit really really cool and chock full of the history of christmas (Candlemas) what ended up happening was not good and although she thought she had prepared well, what with no drip candles and the like it was a fireman's dream. Let's just say she wasn't ever in any pain but the apartment had black streaks all over it's ceiling especially in corners and nooks that she had longer conversations.

A battery pack is an easy enough hook up. all you need to do is strip the wires of two ends of christmas lights. and tape them to the positive and negative sides of the batteries. try "D". remember with electricity all you have to do it complete the current. that's probably a good rule of dating too.


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