Date: Wednesday, October 22, 1997 11:59AM
From: Laura
Subject: RE: The Candy

my favorites are marzipan pigs, which are so round and pink and toothsome that particular peculiar tradition is German/Austrian/Swiss and centers around New year celebrations. Pigs are lucky (cf. piggy banks, etc.) in certain areas of europe (anthropologically similar to i dunno, cattle/kine as wealth equivalent). So, eating a pig made of marzipan will bring you wealth in the new year. I think that definitely qualifies as primary process thinking, eh, Leah?

what is up with representational candy? No, not chocolate bunnies, but candy that tries to look exactly like some other article, like cadbury eggs? I think that's why they're so gross, maybe, cause of the yolk thing.

Date: Wednesday, October 22, 1997 1:12PM
From: Tom
Subject: RE: The Candy

You have touched on the prime mystery of marzipan animals. How many times have I cherished biting full into a newly hatched chicken made of marzipan. Kind of twisted I know, but hey, I love marzipan, and I'm not bothered by realistic representations of small animals made out of it.

But the question remains, why? Marzipan fruit I understand. Marzipan animals...


Date: Wednesday, October 22, 1997 1:14PM
From: Heidi
Subject: RE: The Candy

Because fruit, like candy, cannot escape as you try to eat it.

xo H

Date: Wednesday, October 22, 1997 2:04PM
From: Jill
Subject: RE: The Candy

well, an orange is round and can roll away. and a kiwi is slimy and can spring out of your grasp. and then there are pomegranates.

Date: Wednesday, October 22, 1997 12:33PM
From: Evany
Subject: RE: The Candy

Why is almond paste molded into garish, not-to-scale fruit more sensible than a-paste shaped to pay homage to the "pink piggy"?

Please respond.

Date: Wednesday, October 22, 1997 1:15PM
From: Tom
Subject: RE: The Candy

Children are often very picky creatures when it comes to food, however they typically enjoy sweet things. I imagine that many children's fantasy would be that the bitter, under-ripe or mushy over-ripe fruit that is often forced upon them as being wholesome and "good-for-you" would be as yummy as a marzipan candy. Thus the marzipan fruit taps into an unrealized desire of the every-child.

Of course, this theory might also lead to marzipan eggplants, brussels sprouts and broccoli. Which I might add would definitely be on MY menu.


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