The McDonald's menu has the regular sandwiches (a
which, considering the context, I must protest) on one sign and the
Meals on another. It is a totally unsavy waste of sign space. Why not
the single sandwich followed by two prices, columnarly aligned, for a la
and Valu Meal respectively?
Parking in the Sutter Stockton Garage for 8 Days:
Terrified by the prospect of having to fork over the full $160, Leah
I pretend to have lost my ticket and see whether I could get away with
only the $20 lost-ticket rate.
Sadly, it does not work this way. First they make you drive your car
down to 2nd floor main office. Then they check your plates against this
big chart with dozens of tiny, little numbers. And then they do the math.
I guess the security guards must go around making notes of suspicious,
overnight parkers but I can't tell if they start on the first day or if it
takes them a while to catch on. The important thing is that I managed to
bail the car out for a mere $60 -- whether thanks to clerical oversight or
my charming smile, lying certainly didn't cost me anything.
My Pete's Coffee credit card got stuck in the little
box the other day. At the Bush/Battery Pete's the counter staff puts the
in for you so it wasn't even my fault. While they were struggling to get
card out I jokingly suggested that they reboot. Turns out this is The
Procedure. In any case, the line was held up for at least three minutes
(i.e., a long time).
During The Incident, this short guy behind me wearing the requisite
downtown drag turns to his similarly attired friend, gestures towards the
jammed card reading device and says, "Hey, isn't that your company?" And
other guys says, "Damn right. Maybe I should revise the estimates." I kid
you not. This really happened. Stock broker research analysts dorks.