The Spelling Bee Sentences
Pictured below are the participants of the First Ever Honorary Heidi
Spelling Bee. Participants are seen wearing the traditional competition
cap and are accompanied by their concluding sentence composed using all of
their correctly spelled words.
The omniscient trough dweller recited the mnemonic
-- Evany
Sadly, Liz was unavailable for comment.
The magnanimity of the guy who gave me syphilis is only
matched by the abominable way I was gullible.
-- Marny
Casuistry has shown that, as a somnambulist,
the peccadillo due to the abscess I had left a veneer
of phlegm on the table, instead of allowing me to rhapsodize
about sidereal splendor.
-- Jill
With perspicacity the king abdicated because of his
capillary disease and descended into the stygian lake much to
the opprobrious reaction of his, um, those, what are they called?,
-- Heidi
I impugn the sibylline syllogism that the
eleemosynary pachyderm with metrorrhagia must
brachiate to effect an abscission in the vitreous
schism that is skulduggery.
-- Paul
In Saskatchewan the tachyon delivered a harangue on
the machinations to acquiesce an infinitesimal
kielbasa with smoking paraphernalia.
-- Richard
In a paroxysm of gonorrheic ecstasy the company
inveighed to annihilate the vizsla.
-- Damon
Damon's bourgeois supercilious verisimilitude in
regard to my apocryphal spelling of the word bract is only
matched by the meretricious epithalamion written by the
preeminent, um, the preeminent, ah... hmm... the preeminent
ecstatic carburetor.
-- Halliday
The pusillanimous pterodactyl inveigled the
polysemous carousel with riparian parquet.
-- Laura
I impugned that on the occasion that the bureaucracy
found out that they all had chlamydia they moved as one, like a
zephyr having eaten too much chili.
-- Tom