Date: Mon, April 6, 1998 2:11 pm PST
From: Evany
Subject: Re: About as interesting as drinking scorpion juice
First, I'm seriously suing your ass re: I tripped on my way to look up
"trepanned" in my Webster's (dictionary, not the rull cute black child)
gave my ankle (my calf-foot joiner, not my uncle who's "evolving" into my
aunt) a nasty turn. A Baryshnikov-caliber ballet dancer I am not. (Note: I
was only able to spell "Baryshnikov" after doing a search for "White
FYI: "trepan" is either "a heavy boring tool for sinking shafts,
etc." OR "a person or thing that tricks, traps, or ensnares." Your
reference to "scorpion juice," however, still puzzles: are you talking
venom, or are you entering the Perv Olympics?
Evany "obviously between jobs" Thomas